Using pycham Compiler python project: ASCII-char type pure cofiguration: script path - C:\...\Desktop\PSCgroup\4-pyCham\samples\ASCII-char\venv\Scripts\python.exe python interpretor - C:/.../Desktop/PSCgroup/4-pyCham/2-samples/ASCII-char/ ---------------------------------------- Source code, python file: -------------------------------------------- # 1- print print("Hello World") # 2- print print("Goodbye") # 3- Program to find the ASCII value of the given character # Change this value for a different result # Example c = 'p' # Uncomment to take character from user c = input("Enter a character(1character): ") # 4- print("The ASCII character : " ) print(c) print("The value of this character : " ) print(ord(c)) -------------------------------------------------- after debug and run the Resultat ------------------------------------------------------ Hello World Goodbye Enter a character(1character): u The ASCII character: u The value of this character : 117